In this video we discuss the beginnings of our journeys a bit more while enjoying a fine, Irish whiskey.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Altar more, he said.
On the Day of the Dead, 2017, Minks and I decided we should have an altar. Someone had gifted us a skull candle, beautifully carved of beeswax. We didn't really put a lot of thought into this decision, nor, truth be told, the altar, although it ended up being sweet and beautiful. It is only now I see how deeply that spontaneous decision has shaped us.
By November of 2017, we were well on our spiritual journey together. It had been almost 2 years since David had danced into our lives, and we had had some sort of spiritual practice almost every day, no exaggeration. OK, slight exaggeration, but every day we marveled at the light and malt in our lives, which I think counts as a practice.

The back of the chair was draped with an odd assortment of necklaces, concert bracelets (mostly Dave Matthews Band at the Gorge), and a random feather or two. As I recall we chose each item for a particular reason but those reasons are long gone, now.

I cannot remember when exactly but soon after the altar we (again) were asking David what we should do to grow our practice. "Altar more," he said. "OK!" we replied.

morning bevies while we pray, or do sendings, or pull Tarot cards, or share dreams, or read sections of books we love. Or poetry. Every day we light at least one and usually several candles dedicated to various people or events, thought patterns, intentions, and healing. Here we meet with our spirit allies as we start the day, thanking them or inviting them to help, or simply to love them.
It has changed so much since that first janky tinfoil and whimsy thing we used for the Day of the Dead, 2017. Now we have a dedicated platter for the candles and actual candle holders. We still use Minks' awesome chair, but now the seat is draped with a brilliant silk sari cloth, that glows in deep oranges and gold, the cloth that served as the altar when Minks and Malachi dedicated to each other in spirit marriage (more on this later!). It is still a bit crusty with salt from the waves that crashed on the beach that incredible, stormy day.
The back of the chair is clothed in a shawl my mother gave me, white with gold embroidery. She hated it but I have held on to it all these years, and love that it has found a home. Resting against this cloth is a perfectly round platter that we found at a thrift store, inlaid with mother-of-pearl in geometric patterns. The legs are hidden by a night blue scarf covered in moons and stars, too cheesily perfect to pass up.

All along both arms sit icons of our protector spirits in animal form.
We live in a 10 X 20 square foot room, with enough space for a bed and two chairs, and one of those is dedicated to our altar practice. I feel as though it is the heart of our space and I never tire of gazing at it, absorbing the beauty and feeling the love we have poured into it for so long now.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Welcome to Spirits with Spirits!

Over the last four years, we have been on an incredible journey of learning directly from the Spirits. After a while, we started to understand that our education, our stories, and our inspirations should be shared with others of a curious mind.

Hiya, fair readers! I am Karin, and I have had a fascinating and wonderful life. Growing up in Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, England, and the US allowed me to develop a unique perspective on our global community that continues to inform the way I live my life.
The majority of my brain space is taken up with academic pursuits across a spectrum of interests, from Literature to Medieval philosophy to Chinese medicine (that last one got me my first license that did not involve a driving test!)
I am currently teaching Chinese medicine at a school here in the Bay area, and I also regularly teach about Aromatherapy and other CAM subjects. My spare time is taken up with books, films, gardening, communing with nature, and yep, listening to the spirits.
We have learned a lot of lessons since this spiritual journey began and we hope to share what we have learned candidly, exuberantly, and lovingly. This first blog post is just a wee taste of what's to come. We hope you enjoy it. Cheers.
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