Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Welcome to Spirits with Spirits!

Welcome to the first-ever blog post of Spirits With Spirits! We are two people who love to speak with Spirits and imbibe really first-class yummy single malts. Lubrication for the soul.

Over the last four years, we have been on an incredible journey of learning directly from the Spirits. After a while, we started to understand that our education, our stories, and our inspirations should be shared with others of a curious mind.

Let us introduce ourselves! My name is Max and I was born and raised in Wisconsin but grew up dreaming about mountains and the ocean. From a young age, I felt a protective, loving presence always with me but didn't understand until much later that this was the presence of Spirit. My life has been filled with wild and prophetic dreams, visions, and adventures, both in the outer and inner worlds. I have been an outdoor guide, an EMT, a firefighter, a dog walker, and a social justice activist. I am currently a graduate student in the Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion program at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. In addition to being immersed in my studies, I am a reiki practitioner and a shamanist/edgewalker/spirit talker. When I'm not out hiking, hitchhiking, and backpacking, I can found jamming on the bass, piano, and trombone.

Hiya, fair readers! I am Karin, and I have had a fascinating and wonderful life. Growing up in Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, England, and the US allowed me to develop a unique perspective on our global community that continues to inform the way I live my life.
The majority of my brain space is taken up with academic pursuits across a spectrum of interests, from Literature to Medieval philosophy to Chinese medicine (that last one got me my first license that did not involve a driving test!)
I am currently teaching Chinese medicine at a school here in the Bay area, and I also regularly teach about Aromatherapy and other CAM subjects. My spare time is taken up with books, films, gardening, communing with nature, and yep, listening to the spirits.

We have learned a lot of lessons since this spiritual journey began and we hope to share what we have learned candidly, exuberantly, and lovingly. This first blog post is just a wee taste of what's to come. We hope you enjoy it. Cheers.


  1. SO excited to be along on this ride with you two/three/multitudes.xoxo

    1. Yay! So glad you're riding along with us friend!

    2. Frith, be prepared--you are gonna be a guest on this blog at some point! :D
